
Journal Papers

  1. R. Zhou, C. Hu, T. Ou, Z. Wang, and Y. Zhu, “Intelligent GRU-RIC Feedforward Compensation Control Method with Application to an Ultraprecision Motion Stage,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Inform., 2023, DOI: 10.1109/TII.2023.3331075. (SCI/EI, IF=12.3)

  2. R. Zhou, C. Hu, Z.Wang, S. He, and Y. Zhu, “Nonlinearity Compensation and High-Frequency Flexibility Suppression Based RIC Method for Precision Motion Control Systems,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Inform., vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 1332-1342, Feb. 2023. (SCI/EI, IF=12.3, ESI Highly Cited Paper)

  3. C. Hu, R. Zhou, Z. Wang, Y. Zhu, and M. Tomizuka, “Real-Time Iterative Compensation Framework for Precision Mechatronic Motion Control Systems,” IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 1218-1232, Jul. 2022. (SCI/EI, IF=11.8)

  4. R. Zhou, C. Hu, B. Hou, and Y. Zhu, “Comparative Study of Performance-Oriented Feedforward Compensation Strategies for Precision Mechatronic Motion Systems,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 100812-100823, 2022. (SCI/EI, IF=3.9)

  5. Z. Wang, R. Zhou, C. Hu, and Y. Zhu, “Real-Time Iterative Compensation Based Contouring Control Method for Polar Coordinate Motion Systems,” IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatron., vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 3517-3526, Oct. 2022. (SCI/EI, IF=6.4)

  6. Z. Wang, R. Zhou, C. Hu, and Y. Zhu, “Online Iterative Learning Compensation Method Based on Model Prediction for Trajectory Tracking Control Systems,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Inform., vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 415-425, Jan. 2022. (SCI/EI, IF=12.3)

Conference Papers

  1. Z. Jin, R. Zhou, T. Ou, C. Hu, and Y. Zhu, “Enhanced Motion Control for Precision/Ultraprecision Motion System: An Advanced LARC Strategy with GRU Neural Network,” in The 2nd Int. Conf. Mech. Syst. Dynam. (ICMSD), Beijing, China, Sep. 2023. (EI)

  2. S. Wu, C. Hu, Z. Zhao, R. Zhou, and Y. Zhu, “A Novel Flux Estimator Using $\alpha$-$\beta$ Orthogonality Drift Elimination for High Performance Full-Speed-Range Sensorless Control,” in IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. Adv. Intell. Mechatron. (AIM), Sapporo, Japan, Jul. 2022, pp. 1315-1320. (EI)

  3. Z.Wang, R. Zhou, C. Hu, and Y. Zhu, “Precision RIC Contouring Control Method for Polar Coordinate Motion Systems,” in IEEE Int. Conf. Real-Time Comput. Robot. (RCAR), Xining, China, Jul. 2021, pp. 744-749. (EI)

  4. R. Zhou, C. Hu, Y. Zhu, and M. Zhang, “Model Prediction based Online Feedforward Compensation Control of Maglev Planar Motor with Comparative Investigation,” in IEEE Int. Conf. Mechatron. (ICM), Kashiwa, Japan, Mar. 2021, pp. 1-6. (EI, Oral Report)